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(1 Review)

Schizophrenia - Reasons and Solutions -Tamil (eBook)

Causes, Cases, Cures and Remedies for the mental disorder, Schizophrenia.
Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science
Language: Tamil
Price: ₹10
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Available Formats: PDF


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder hitherto a curse, is being treated well by Homeopaths. In view of the development and evolution with periodic table of Elements, understanding of the diseases and its cure of Schizophrenia are progressing.

Book explains the categories of Schizophrenia and the root cause of this disorder so that a common man can understand. This understanding could help the parents how to grow their children. Author clearly explains what type of environment leads to this mental disorder.
ஓமியோப்பதி வகையில் பார்க்கும் போது சிசோஃபிரனியாவில் ஐந்து வகைகள் உள்ளன
• பெர்சிக்யூட்டரி (Persecutory)– தண்டிக்கப்படுவதான சிசோஃபிரனியா
• பேனிக் –(Panic)- திகிலூட்டும் சிசோஃபிரனியா
• இனடிக்குவசி- (Inadequacy), எதிர் கொள்ளமுடியாத சிசோஃபிரனியா
• ஆட்டிஸ்டிக் –(Autistic) மதியிறுக்க சிசோஃபிரனியா,
• கில்ட்- (Guilt) - குற்ற உணர்வுள்ள சிசோஃபிரனியா

This book explains the group of medicines for each type of disorder. This is general information for an understanding and would help the doctors to prescribe.

About the Authors

Dr. A. Raj is a famous Homeopath with a wide experience in treating many difficult cases. His clear understanding of Evolution method based on Periodic table of Elements helps to resolve many underlying issues. His experience in categorizing the mental symptoms with history and psychology of the patient helps his profession. The results using milk remedies in treatment of chronic diseases is a boon to the public, getting benefitted out of them. His experience helped to put his thoughts into this booklet on Schizophrenia.

Ko Paandu is th co-author. He was a scientist in Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. At present he is doing research in Herbs and Health in Venn Oli Healthcare Foundation based in Tamil Nadu. His research writings on Subtle energies in Cosmic rays, about Energy medicines- what it is, what is in it, how does it work and how does it cure are appearing...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 48
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

Ratings & Reviews

Schizophrenia - Reasons and Solutions -Tamil

Schizophrenia - Reasons and Solutions -Tamil

(4.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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a.ekambaram1 2 years, 3 months ago Verified Buyer

Schizophrenia - Reasons and solutions

Very nicely explained the different types psychological disorders and the reasons. The way of mitigating the disease with different metals and chemicals. Thanks to the authors for their research on...

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