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Supply Chain Synergy Case Studies Reverse Logistics, Cost control and Cost Reduction & The bull Whip Effect (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹150
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Available Formats: PDF


With the newer styles of working, businesses of today have become very demanding and challenging. Today ’ s businesses involve stringent working, with limited resources, that too in a vibrant economy, where cut throat competition is at peak. Need of the hour is lean management, but with determination to survive. The businesses today need, use of appropriate styles of working along with use of prudent strategies. This 1st Edition of ‘ Supply Chain Synergy Case Studies Reverse Logistics, Cost control and Cost Reduction & The bull Whip Effect ’ , is written in simple and easy to understand language, specially for the professionals and students who are novice to the subject. This will enable them all, to grasp all terms and terminologies, used in the subject and will enable them to use strategic skills, in their day to day operations. Thus, they will be able to achieve success in all spheres of life. Wishing all the best, to everyone.

About the Author

Dr. Rajesh Arora is a seasoned professional with over 13 years of industry and an impressive 22 years of academic teaching experience. An accomplished author, he has written 12 books and served as the Chief Editor for a research journal. Dr. Arora has hosted 8 conferences and presented papers at 21 national and international conferences, showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge in his field of study. His extensive industrial background includes notable roles at Walker Chandiok & Co. (CA's), Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., DLG Universal Ltd., Jet Airways Ltd., Industrial Cables Ltd. (Rajpura), and Maharishi Ayurveda Group. In the academic realm, Dr. Arora has made significant contributions at institutions such as Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi; IMT CDL, Ghaziabad; Delhi Pharmaceuticals Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), New Delhi; snd Amity University, Noida; and now Atria University Bangalore.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334120950
Publisher: Dr. Rajesh Arora
Number of Pages: 111
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Supply Chain Synergy Case Studies Reverse Logistics, Cost control and Cost Reduction & The bull Whip Effect

Supply Chain Synergy Case Studies Reverse Logistics, Cost control and Cost Reduction & The bull Whip Effect

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