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The Silent Storm (eBook)

Poems by Dr.Sandhya Tiwari
Type: e-book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹81
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


Arnold said that poetry is a criticism of life, and it interprets life for us, sustains us and consoles us. Poetry can come to rescue man, showing him new vistas to explore which he often tends to overlook due to the circumstances driven life.
It serves the purpose of both the writer and the reader. On the one hand the writer attempts to give vent to the ardently felt feelings and observations and on the other hand the reader reflects and builds on the frame work presented by the writer.
The saying “Poetry is emotions recollected in tranquility” goes unquestioned.
The first thin volume named The Silent Storm is a collection of 16 poems on diverse topics from contemporary to philosophical. My observation of men and manners, societal transformation etc. which is limited to my exposure is penned and presented.
The inspiration for the poem Voice of the Wandering Minds...

About the Author

I am born in a Hindu family in the city of Hyderabad. I strongly believe that 'Dreams are dreams, no matter how big or small they are'. The dream of a shelter for the one lacking it is equally precious when compared to the dream of a multi millionaire to expand his business overseas.
I did my education in Hyderabad. After completing Intermediate I pursued my Graduation (B.A.) in Modern Language English, Post-Graduation(M.A.)in English Literature, M.Phil. in American Literature and PhD in Diaspora Studies. I received Prof.Shahane Memorial Award for being the topper in M.Phil (English) Entrance Test conducted by Osmania University.
I have eight years of teaching experience at Under-Graduate and Post Graduate level. I worked for five years at Aurora Degree and PG College. I also enjoy teaching the verbal component of GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT and other entrance exams.
I participated and presented papers at National...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 22
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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