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A Mythical Bird

A Mythical Bird

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harishsusg 3 years, 1 month ago

Pure, Real and Unconventional

What do we think when we think of love stories? Whatever thoughts that have come to your mind, this book will change the way you think about love stories. This is a story about pure relations between two heart. A relation that doesn't need to be expressed, conveyed or declared- it just silently resides within the hearts.

A Mythical Bird is a story of Dr. Arundhati who comes from Gujarat to a community organisation called Gita Sadan. It tells us about the life in the mountains, the challenges of a Doctor volunteering there and how she ends up bonding with the people she works with and finds a purpose for life. It wakes you up to the realities of the life in the Himalayas, disconnected from the cities, where a speciality hospital is far away and accessing it is a challenge in itself. How on earth a Doctor with highest ethics should do her duty? And even if she does it, is it worth it?

It makes the reader think hard. It creates a genre of its own.