This is a concise book, mostly regarding stammering and stammering mindset .It shows people who stammer to approach their own stammer in a holistic manner. The language is simple and the book can be read in one go.This book can be a guide map for people who stammer, to be revisited whenever needed.It is not a quick-fix for stammering,but a help-book for an ongoing process.
This book is really engaging ... I just completed it in 27 minutes and It seems like I started it few seconds ago ....Good piece of work for stammering community .. Unless we completely understand our stammering , we can't overcome it and we can deeply understand why the block occur , only after entering in it and reviewing it by ourselves by being in present moment ... So the reason of not working of speech therapy properly in stammering is that In speech therapy we just cut branches of the stammering tree , these branches can grow after some time but By deeply understanding our problem , we can remove this from its root and we can live our life smoothly and without outer fear and hesitation...
Thanks Dr. Srivastva for this great piece......