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Vigyank Batkahi

Vigyank Batkahi

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cm1710 10 years, 8 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Vigyank Batkahi (e-book)

The book "Vigyank Batkahi" is a fantastic book written by a practicing scientist of international repute. It covers a wide variety of science topics, which though written for young and inquisitive minds, will interest people of all ages. And think of it that the language chosen by the author is Maithili and most likely only book of its kind in this language. One sincerely ishes if the author could bring tanslation in other indian languages and may be in english too.The literary expressions used in the desciption makes the subject extremely digestible to all maithili readers.Its a very commendable effort ...........C. Mallik, ex-Outstanding Scientist, Dept of Atomic Energy and presently Projet Manager, Pelletron Facility,Guru Ghasidas Central University,Bilaspur