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Young Voices (eBook)

Anthology of Students' Fiction
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF

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If we are going to improve human civilization, the arts need to be at the forefront, just as they have been throughout history during important cultural revolutions. When positive change has happened, artists of all mediums have led the charge. While politicians claim ignorance and worry more about keeping power than using it responsibly, artists call out flaws in society that can no longer be ignored. It’s no wonder why, then, that art has been suppressed and shackled in history’s strictest dictatorships.

It is because of this that we all should be thankful that the young, creative voices included within this anthology have not been silenced. Whether discussing social issues, pondering everyday truths, or examining human relationships, the authors in Young Voices are doing us all a great service. We need them and their artistic peers to keep observing humanity around them and let their words and images move...

Book Details

Publisher: CultureCult Press
Number of Pages: 158
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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