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Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Magazine/Periodical
Language: English
Price: ₹150
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


INNOVATE is a new literary e-magazine, devoted to bringing original and thought-provoking features from established and up-coming authors, as well as establishing a new frontier with enhanced media.

About the Authors

Alec Hawkes

Alec Hawkes. 52 year old Englishman with no formal training, but a lively mind; a keen sense of humour, a biting wit, and an inbuilt bullshit detector.

Written two books so far, working on the third. Find them at

Elizabeth Audrey Mills

Liz Mills is author of two full-length adult novels: 'A Song For Joey' and 'Natalie Tereshchenko, Lady In Waiting' (with a sequel in hand), and the 'Tapestry Capricorn' science-fiction series for young teens.

Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf is an author primarily in the genres of Alternate History and Science Fiction, as well as being a poet. He has been writing for three decades but only recently got into the world of e-book publishing. His work can be found on the following websites :-

K D Rose

K.D. Rose is an author and poet who has been published in Candlelit Journal, the Voices Project,...

Book Details

Publisher: The Wolfian Press
Number of Pages: 46
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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