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Your Digestion Is Your Health Or Disease (eBook)

Choosing Healthy and Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Proper Mindful Eating, Boosting Healthy Microbiome, and Using Natural Remedies Give digestive wellness.
Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Diet & Health
Language: English
Price: ₹72
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


This book on human digestion explains the basic processes of the digestive system. You will know that most of the challenging symptoms of critical diseases are healed with proper digestion. The dramatic stomach pain, severe cramps, bloating, frequent diarrhoea, and many more symptoms, for which many types of diets, medications, supplements, therapies and/or hypnosis were tried. None gave relief from the chronic symptoms. If we go to the root cause of the problem and very simple solution can marvellously cure the problem within no time.

Roles of dietary fibre, gluten, lactose, fructose and pre and probiotics in digestive diseases are fully well explained. SIBO and IBS, and their impact on the digestive system and how to cure these with lifestyle modifications have been explained.

You can discover the secrets of your digestive system and relations of gluten to your overall health, lactose intolerance, gut affecting obesity, connections of the...

About the Author

Jagatjit Singh Virk is a medical consultant, social reformer and authorpreneur. His medical practice experience is more than fifty years. He serves his patients with full dedication and a humane mind. He has already published a book Boost your Defence to fight diseases, and now this book. He has very progressive thinking and is a role model for the coming generation.

Book Details

Publisher: Jagatjit Singh Virk
Number of Pages: 79
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Your Digestion Is Your Health Or Disease

Your Digestion Is Your Health Or Disease

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