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Victorious series (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Hello dear reader,

how are you doing ?

I am doing good, and I am very excited

because I have translated all 10

books from my first series.

It has taken me some time to get it done,

because I have a business to run as you probably know, and a lot of greetingcards to sell.

Besides that I have also kept writing new books,

and completed my 2nd series (Work to shine series).

I have also finished a title of my 3rd series (mama Azema series)

Isn't that cute ? My mama's name as a series.

And I have written 2 titles for my

4th series, the You legend series.

But by now I have only translated my first series into English, and I am very happy

to give you 10 books in this convenient


You receive :

book #1 Build your fortune (to improve your finances...

About the Author

My name is Jasmin Hajro, I am born in Bosnia on july 6th 1985.
I lived there the first 10 years of my life, when the country was in war
we fled to the Netherlands. We still live in the Netherlands, where I went to school...
In my puberty my parents divorced, I couldn't handle it and fled into drinking to much and using a lot of drugs. Which got me in a coma for a couple of hours. After that I got sober and clean and got my life in order. It was difficult but everything got better because I got better, except that I was changed because of a bit of braindamage...
Now I am a bit slower than I used to be...
I also have another brain issue for which I have a therapist and medicine...

I have been writing in journals for more than 10 years, and in 2015 I...

Book Details

Publisher: Jasmin Hajro
Number of Pages: 354
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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