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थोड़ी कल्पना, थोड़ी सच्चाई (eBook)

लघुकथा संग्रह
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Entertainment
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF


एम0 जे0 द्वारा लिखित एवं प्रकाशित 75 हिन्दी लघुकथाएँ -- 01. वे शब्द, 02. इतिहास दोहराया गया, 03. कोई मतलब नहीं, 04. सरकार, 05. सात बजकर दो मिनट उन्नीस सेकेंड, 06. आशीर्वाद, 07. लघुकथा, 08. शुभ-अशुभ, 09. आँसू, 10. मृत्यु तक का सम्बन्ध, 11. जीवनसाथी, 12. वो लड़की, 13. पशुओं की मानवता, 14. कहानी न बन सकी, 15. गलती का लाभ, 16. नियम-कानून, 17. संजोग, 18. ईमानदारी का ढिंढोरा, 19. मांग, 20. वो साहित्यकार बन गया, 21. बिजली, 22. गोली, 23. ये कैसा जीवप्रेम, 24. सीखने की उमर, 25. थप्पड़, 26. चोरी की रोटियाँ, 27. वंशी रव, 28. कूड़ा, 29. मानव स्वभाव, 30. समय, 31. परिस्थिति, 32. मीठी छुरी, 33. अंगूठी, 34. लाठी भी टूट गयी और साँप भी नहीं मरा, 35. अधूरा ज्ञान, 36. यथार्थ का बोध, 37. डाॅक्टर, 38. साहित्य का सत्यानाश, 39. रिश्ता, 40. अध्याय, 41. ढंग से चल, 42. वो भिखारिन, 43. कहीं न कहीं...

About the Author

Manik Joshi was born on January 26, 1979, at Ranikhet, a picturesque town in the Kumaon region of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. He is a permanent resident of the Sheeshmahal area of Kathgodam located in the city of Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand in India. He completed his schooling in four different schools. He is a science graduate in the ZBC – zoology, botany, and chemistry – subjects. He is also an MBA with a specialization in marketing. Additionally, he holds diplomas in “computer applications”, “multimedia and web-designing”, and “computer hardware and networking”. During his schooldays, he wanted to enter the field of medical science; however, after graduation, he shifted his focus to the field of management. After obtaining his MBA, he enrolled in a computer education center; he became so fascinated with working on the computer that he decided to develop his career in this...

Book Details

Publisher: एम0 जे0
Number of Pages: 150
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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थोड़ी कल्पना, थोड़ी सच्चाई

थोड़ी कल्पना, थोड़ी सच्चाई

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