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Beyond thoughts I exist (eBook)

Meditation according to the research of a PhD in Physical Sciences
Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹275
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


"It is important to have the open mind of a scientist.” When I was studying Physical Sciences I attended a lecture by Shri Mataji for the first time. This happened more than thirty years ago, but there are two things that are still engraved in my memory: the change in my state of consciousness after meditation, and one of the phrases Shri Mataji pronounced: "It is important to have the open mind of a scientist." Meditation and scientific method are the paths that lead me to the best results in the search of understanding. And … what is the point of experiencing and understanding if you are not able to convey it? Here’s the question that has driven me to write this book. It is a book aimed at the general public. I receive emails from people who are mainly grateful that I have put words to what they somehow felt inside, or had experienced. They are from different backgrounds, and some of them are now attending our Sahaja meditations mainly through internet. It is also helpful for people who begin to meditate, or for people that just want to have clear and scientific information about what meditation is. The meditation physiological basis is explained from the modes of functioning of our brain, in a very simple way. Meditation state: presence of the Silence mode. The Spirit: what we feel we are in Silence mode.

About the Author

María Teresa Blázquez, book author, holds a degree in Physical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and a PhD in Bioengineering and Medical Physics from the University of Granada (field of research: Human postural control system). At the European University of Madrid he has tutored more than 200 post graduate research projects. She began practicing meditation in 1987 and meditates daily since May 1988. His more than 10,000 hours of practice -and the numerous stays in India and in different countries of Europe and America related to learning the possibilities offered by meditation- have given rise to this research. She is also the author of the book In the Mind or in the Self? , in which she describes her experience of living in a state of inner silence for much of the day throughout the months of May and June 2009. This experience marked the beginning of a rigorous investigation of the effects of meditation in our interior following the guidelines of the scientific method.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781447674511
Publisher: SahajBooks
Number of Pages: 275
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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