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The author of this book is under mind control reading and brain torture by aliens in pentagon. As a physicist that proofed quarks are superluminal but is not permitted to publish because of aliens control over pentagon, this book explains story of world wars and how probably my conflict with aliens over physics resulted in creation of covid-19. By synchronology of events this book proofs Zbigniew Brzezinski Quote: “History is much more the product of chaos than of conspiracy.” is invalid. In year 2011 I wrote the solution to cause of 2008-2012 economic recession in yahoo answer. At the end of 2011, accidentally I used tor browser to upload my physics paper solution about Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox to journals. Unified Field Theory is about soul and immortality. After using tor browser, CIA begin to hack my computer. Due to stress, long story of my conflict with CIA begins....
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