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first woman (eBook)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Type: e-book
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels, Teens
Language: English, French
Price: ₹41
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Available Formats: PDF


Dream to Reality follows Callie's trailblazing path as the first woman on the Moon. Callie and her robot sidekick, RT, overcome setbacks, disappointment, and tragedy along the way. From her childhood dreams of space travel to being selected as an astronaut candidate, Callie takes us on her journey to the Moon.

「夢から現実へ」は、月面に降り立った最初の女性としてのカリーの先駆的な道をたどります。カリーと相棒ロボットの RT は、その過程で挫折、失望、悲劇を乗り越えます。子供の頃の宇宙旅行の夢から、宇宙飛行士候補者に選ばれるまで、カリーは私たちを月への旅へと連れて行きます。
Dream to Reality suit le chemin pionnier de Callie en tant que première femme sur la Lune. Callie et son acolyte robot, RT, surmontent les revers, les déceptions et les tragédies en cours de route. De ses rêves d'enfance de voyage dans l'espace à sa sélection comme candidate astronaute, Callie nous emmène dans son voyage vers la Lune.

About the Author

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA was started on October 1, 1958, as a part of the United States government. NASA is in charge of U.S. science and technology that has to do with airplanes or space.

Book Details

Publisher: United Nations , NASA
Number of Pages: 44
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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