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Rhyme Time (eBook)

A Poetry Book For Children
Type: e-book
Genre: Poetry, Children
Language: English
Price: ₹50
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


I thank you for choosing to read this book. Your kind gesture will help us make a young soul happy. My friend bought it to my notice that there is a need to have a few more rhymes that will acquaint our children with today’s world, making them kind and compassionate and thereby, worthy inhabitants of the same. I could understand her concern as a parent that rhymes should impart lessons of kindness, health and happiness. I am sure you will agree with me that there is no dearth of violence and destruction in the world. May be if we can instil kindness and good habits in our children right from the advent we can contribute to creating a better world. One suggestion to improve your experience with this book is to add some background music while reading the poems to the young ones. Other than that, to engage...

About the Author

Neha Agarwal is a self-published author. She has written and published Cherries Aren't Red - ELEMENTS which is a romantic fiction. This is her second title. - See more at:

Book Details

Number of Pages: 33
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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