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Bondage to Freedom (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹150
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Mind at rest is Self. Mind in movement is ego. Empty mind is free. Mind with contents feels that it is in bondage. Action without motive brings freedom. Action with intention is limited and so binding. Humanity is caught up in self ignorance. Every human feels that he is a separate entity not only biologically but psychologically. It is this feeling of being a separate entity that is causing havoc in human society. So one starts accumulating things for himself and his family and is not bothered about the rest of mankind. The concept of community and country has its seeds in family. Because one feels insecure with family he identifies with community and country and accumulates armaments in case there is a war. Armaments are meant to kill fellow human being and we fight war just for ideals thinking that humans of other country are different from us....

About the Author

The author,Dr.P.V.S.Suryanarayana Raju is pediatrician from Andhra Pradesh,India,born on 12th December 1950.He is working on the subject of self-inquiry for the past 30 years.His works include Insights in self-inquiry,The Alpha and Omega of self-inquiry,Commentary on who am i,Know Thyself,Inner conflict leads to outer disorder,Self-inquiry is The Art of Unveiling The Self,From despair to bliss-the message of Bhagavad Gita,The essence of Bhagavad Gita,Self-inquiry in Bhagavad Gita.His books in Telugu which include "Nenevadanu? which is a commentary of him on "who am i" in Telugu,Nija Vicharana and his most recent books in Telugu Vichara Chudamani,and Vichara Chandrodayam mainly deal with the practical aspect of self-inquiry and he explains in them why self-inquiry is a direct and easy way for realizing the Self.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781482317893
Publisher: P V S Suryanarayana Raju
Number of Pages: 39
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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