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This comprehensive book on self-inquiry is very useful for any serious truth seeker irrespective of his background, conditioning,belief,faith,religion to which he belongs.self-inquiry is a scientific inquiry into the working of self,usually called the ego the ego,its thoughts,feelings etc.self-inquiry is beyond all religions in which there is no seeking,no becoming,no end to be gained.
In the silent observation of self-inquiry in which there no choice or condemnation thought and feeling unfold themselves.In this process we actualize the potential of the Self (Atman).In self-inquiry we understand ourselves,our impulses,reactions,the whole process of thinking,conscious as well as unconscious.Depending on somebody to tell what is in our mind prevents understanding of oneself.Usually we take some shelter under an authority,be it a guru,scripture,method,which gives temporary sense of security,a sense of well being but that is not understanding of total process of oneself.Unless we uncover all the layers of mind including its unconscious part we will...
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