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Mathematics Formulae, Identities, Methods and Procedures (eBook)

for class XI & XII
Type: e-book
Genre: Mathematics, Exam Preparation
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF

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This book contains formulae and identities for class XI & XII (CBSE) mathematics. It is very helpful in other higher level exams also. Mostly at higher levels students are supposed to be already acquainted with these formulae and identities but they have slipped out of their minds . This version includes the formulae for the topics: Trigonometry, Inverse trigonometry, Matrices and Determinant, Differentiation, Applications of derivatives, Integration, Straight lines(2D), Vectors and 3 D. At the end, other useful identities and formulae from polynomials and mensurations are given which have been studied in lower levels but are used every now and then in other topics.
This book is very helpful in learning formulae by heart and also while doing last moment revision of formulae for the exam as well.

I hope this book will help you in learning the content in a pleasant way.

About the Author

An engineer by qualification holding B.E. degree, now training students in Mathematics and Physics to excel in class XI and XII exams since 2000.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 39
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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