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Multidisciplinary International Conference on Research in Education- ICRE-2023-AI BASED AUTOMATIC EXCHANGES IN A HETEROGENEOUS ECOSYSTEM (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Reference, Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF


In an increasingly interconnected and complex digital landscape, automatic exchanges driven by artificial intelligence (AI) have emerged as a pivotal solution for optimizing transactions and interactions within heterogeneous ecosystems. the development and implementation of AI-based automatic exchanges in diverse and multi-faceted environments, where varying systems, standards, and protocols converge. The study examines the architecture and methodologies of AI-driven exchange mechanisms, highlighting their capacity to enhance efficiency, adaptability, and scalability. Key aspects include the integration of machine learning algorithms for real-time decision-making, using natural language processing for improved communication across different platforms, and the role of data analytics in driving intelligent automation.

About the Authors

Phadatare Manasi Mahadeo, Dr. T. V. Gopal, Raj Bahadur Singh
Ph.D Research Scholar: SRM Institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST), SRM University
Chennai India.
Dean – CET, Kattankulathur SRM Institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST), SRM
University Chennai India.
Co-Guide: Prof.(Dr.) Ashoka Institute of Technology and Management, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
ISBN: 9798989862320

Book Details

Publisher: GEH Press
Number of Pages: 10
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Multidisciplinary International Conference on Research in Education- ICRE-2023-AI BASED AUTOMATIC EXCHANGES IN A HETEROGENEOUS ECOSYSTEM

Multidisciplinary International Conference on Research in Education- ICRE-2023-AI BASED AUTOMATIC EXCHANGES IN A HETEROGENEOUS ECOSYSTEM

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