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Deviation in Drug Price & Control (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science
Language: English
Price: ₹80
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Available Formats: PDF


As we know, our basic requirements are food, Shelter and clothes.
But Now -A- Days, I think we all are awaring that medicine is also a part of our basic requiremts in this world of disease. And price for a tablets taken in a one day sometimes exceed the budget we are eating food in a day.
There are some reasons for high price and ofcourse every problems has some solutions, so there is some problems with solutions which may give us fresh breath to take.

About the Author

After completion of M.Pharm in Medicinal chemistry, I'd gone through lots of medicine. and thinking of all thoughts , finally decided to write book. I have wrote two other books like "UPLC" and "Study of Related Substances"

“If there is one thing I can pass on from my humbling experiences in life, thus far, I will tell you this, the next time someone tells you "the absence of expectations is the absence of disappointment, do not listen. Have expectations. Keep them great. It'll be a very bumpy ride. You'll even get bruised, sometimes very badly. Sometimes, you'll come to an abrupt halt or even fall off your ride. But you'll grow. And if you do not grow, you do not live.”

Book Details

Number of Pages: 46
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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