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Ancient Technologies Impactful Frugal Innovation (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: English
Price: ₹106
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Available Formats: PDF


Going back a large number of years are various instances of antiquated innovation that leave us amazed at the information and intelligence held by individuals of our past. They were the aftereffect of extraordinary advances in building and development as new, ground-breaking civic establishments rose and came to overwhelm the old world. These advances animated social orders to receive better approaches for living and administration, just as better approaches for understanding their reality. In any case, numerous antiquated innovation puzzles were overlooked, lost to the pages of history, just to be re-created centuries later. Here we include old innovation history and many astounding antiques that mirror the splendor of antiquated personalities. Present day Innovation began about the mid-twentieth Century is first currently finding now from around 5000 years prior to around 500 years back. Creations are not every some tea. The book tells how these: Innovations can assist us...

About the Author

Professor Sanjay Rout is an International Acclaimed Author, Researcher, Futurologist, Knowledge Heuristic, Think-tank, Policy Expert & Journalist. Honored as Global Best 50 Future Leader in Open Innovation & Future Technology. Had received many National /International Awards & honors for his work in Research, Innovation, development, Coach, Policy with lot of publication in different journals, papers and author of various popular books.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798664863819
Publisher: Innovation Solution Lab
Number of Pages: 174
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Ancient Technologies Impactful Frugal Innovation

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