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All about Figure of Speech (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹35
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All about Figure of Speech

Raja Sharma

A figure of speech is a literary device frequently used in nearly all forms of literature. It occurs when a word or a group of words deviates from their typical meaning to convey a more nuanced or imaginative idea.

Figures of speech can also involve special patterns, repetitions, or omissions of words, or phrases that convey meanings beyond their literal interpretation. Examples include idioms, metaphors, similes, hyperbole, and personification. These devices enhance the power of language by adding emphasis, creativity, and clarity to a text. However, it's important to note that the use of figurative language can sometimes create ambiguity, blurring the line between literal and figurative meanings. Because of this, a figure of speech is sometimes referred to as a rhetorical figure or a locution.

In the past, poets and fiction writers excelled in using figurative language to create rich, expressive works. However, in modern literature, writers and readers often prefer straightforward communication, avoiding literature that requires deep interpretation. This shift may be due to the fast pace of contemporary life, which leaves little time for the leisurely enjoyment of complex literary language.

Literal language, on the other hand, is not universally recognized in all theories of meaning. Some theories argue that figures of speech do not always represent a coherent concept.

When studying literary characteristics, it's essential to understand rhetoric, which is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. Rhetoric involves a broad range of techniques and tools used to create figures of speech. It originally developed as the study of how a source text could be adapted to achieve the goals of the person reusing the material. Classical rhetoric identified four fundamental operations to transform a sentence or a larger portion of a text: expansion, abridgement, switching, and transferring.

These rhetorical techniques are crucial for anyone studying literature, as they help us understand how writers craft their works to convey deeper meanings and engage their readers.

Table of Contents

All about Figure of Speech
Table of Contents
Introduction to Figure of Speech
Examples of Figure of Speech
Fundamental Operations of Figure of Speech
Categories of Figure of Speech
Applications of Figures of Speech in Different Genres
Figures of Speech in Modern Communication

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 48
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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