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Frozen Bliss: Easy Sherbet Recipes for Every Occasion (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Cooking
Language: English
Price: ₹84
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Frozen Bliss: Easy Sherbet Recipes for Every Occasion

Students’ Academy


Copyright@2024 Students’ Academy

All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

Almonds Sherbet
Banana Lassi
Mango Lassi Slush
Ginger Lime Sherbet
Grapes Sherbet
Kokum Sherbet
Lime and Date Sherbet
Lime Soda
Mango Lime Sherbet
Mint Lassi
Pineapple Lassi
Pistachios Lassi
Rose Sherbet
Pomegranate Sherbet
Sandalwood Sherbet
Sweet Lassi
Raw Mango Sherbet
Watermelon Sherbet
List of Spices and Fruits


Welcome to "Frozen Bliss: Easy Sherbet Recipes for Every Occasion," a delightful collection of sherbet recipes crafted by Students' Academy. Sherbet, also known as sharbat, is a beloved drink in the Middle East and South Asia, made from fruits or flower petals and typically served chilled.

Whether enjoyed thick and eaten with a spoon or diluted and sipped through a straw, sherbet offers a refreshing treat that can be both sweet and diverse in flavor. Ingredients like rose, sandalwood, bael, hibiscus, lemon, orange, pineapple, and grewia asiatica are commonly used to create these delightful beverages.

Sherbets are cherished daily in countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, where they come in a variety of flavors. Beyond their delicious taste, many sherbets are believed to have healing properties and are often recommended in Ayurvedic treatments.

The term "sharbat" originates from the Persian word "Sharbat," and "sherbet" from the Turkish "şerbet," both derived from the Arabic "sharba," meaning a drink. The word "sorbet" shares a similar heritage, coming from French "sorbet," Italian "sorbetto," and Turkish "şerbet."

In this book, we provide you with easy-to-follow recipes for some of the most popular sherbets, allowing you to create these cool and refreshing drinks in your own kitchen.

So, become your own bartender and dive into the world of Frozen Bliss. Cheers!

All the best,

Students' Academy

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 93
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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