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India Minus-A Journey of Unfulfilled Dreams (eBook)

A Journey of Unfulfilled Dreams
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, History
Language: English
Price: ₹84
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


India Minus-A Journey of Unfulfilled Dreams

Raja Sharma

The characters and events in this novel are works of fiction and there is no relation to anyone living or dead by the same name.

Any relation to the real-life characters and events is merely coincidental, and it is not meant to harm any individual, any sect, or any religion.

This work of fiction is definitely inspired by a number of real-life incidents.

Raja Sharma

Table of Content

India Minus-A Journey of Unfulfilled Dreams
Table of Content
New Delhi
Departure from Lahore
The Journey
Lala Moolchand
A New Leaf to Life
Emerging India
Bangalore Connection
Komal Singh
Bangalore Again
Back in Delhi
Bliss Departs
Brothers Together
Gurbachan Singh
Father’s Discontent
Power of Time
Daughter’s Separation

..............So many years had passed, but Kulwant Kaur kept her house neat and clean. She hoped that one day her Arjun and Monika would return. Little did she know that Javed had been killed in the anti-Muslim riots in Baroda, and her loving daughter, Monika, was rotting in a mental asylum somewhere near Baroda. The thought of the marriage of Lala Moolchand’s daughter had come to her like a cool zephyr, but it had brought along a long procession of agonizing experiences which she had gone through in her independent India, the India of her dreams. After midnight, more because of tiredness and sleep than the necessity to sleep, she closed her eyes. The flickering lids of her eyes told us that she was searching for her dreams. .......................

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 207
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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India Minus-A Journey of Unfulfilled Dreams

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