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Computer Practices using C++ (eBook)

Easy book to learn C++
Type: e-book
Genre: Engineering
Language: English
Price: ₹125
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This book covers the contents of Computer practices using C++ course for B.Tech Computer Science and Information technology courses of the Maulana Abul Kalam University of Technology. Most of the other technology universities around the country have a similar courses as well. Basic computer skills, particularly programming skills are essential for students of technology. All engineering students have a growing need for grooming in programming concepts as computers become an essential tool for study, research and other professional activities. They will need this skill not only for rest of their B Tech programs but also for higher studies, and during their working life. This book includes solved questions to illustrate the concepts, wherever necessary. Clear understanding of the concepts illustrated here, will be useful not only for doing well in examinations but also in technical interviews with recruiters.The study material in this book is divided into 17 chapters covering...

About the Author

Ramkrishna Ghosh is an Assistant Professor in IT, Haldia Institute of Technology,Haldia Under West Bengal University of Technology. Formerly, he was Assistant Professor in CSE, College of Science and Engineering under SR Group of Institutions (SRGI), Jhansi and Assistant Professor in IT, Bhartiya Institute of Engineering and Technology,Sikar under Rajasthan Technical University(RTU). He was a lecturer in Rani Birla Girls’ College under Calcutta University at the beginning of his teaching career. His experience of a total of 7.5 years includes a stint as a Software Developer. He qualified in GATE 2007 on paper IT with score 438 and an all India rank of 180.

His areas of interest include Programming Languages, Networking, Software Engineering, Operating System and Object Oriented Technology. He has authored several research papers and books.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 226
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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