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Inglorious Kweezerds

Inglorious Kweezerds

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padmasriniha 9 years, 6 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Inglorious Kweezerds (e-book)

One Read and this Book straight away transported me back to my school days and the huge preparations that went into preparing for a Quiz competition.

Read along a few quizzes and I realised the depth of my own illiteracy. This collection spans a wide spectrum and gives us the choice to pick up any one subject that goes with our mood for the day. Needless to day, it sparks off a quest to 'Know More' about a typical subject.

I would urge all parents to get a hand on this compilation, read and pass on to their kids. Like Blood, Knowledge needs to be circulated and this is but one tool to ensure that !

Meanwhile, am visualising the smile on my face when I take on my child with these questions....hopefully I win this round !!!

Thanks Ratnakar garu. Its an accomplishment and my blessings to you for achieving more on this journey.

Srinivas Marella