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Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1

Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1

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riyer02 5 years, 7 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1 (eBook)

Part of one of many feedbacks on book feedback page: https://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/p/feedback-on-my-book-autobiography-of.html

It's interesting... btw I also under-estimated marketing... I'd identify marketing as the biggest risk to some startups even today. A guy from --snip-- said to a current-day tech. startup entrepreneur, "Just as you've built this tech, so did 10 people before you. But you won't be able to get the word out to people who want this app. So you will fail" Interesting how some things change but many others remain the same even after 10 or 20 years. [June 1990 to Nov. 1992 was over 25 years ago, a quarter century ago.] ...