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A Toy for the Little Princess and Other Stories (eBook)

Children's Stories for Our Times [Vol.1]
Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Children
Language: English
Price: ₹50
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


This is a book for children in the age group 5+ years. There are stories of animals and toys, girls and boys. There’s fun and mischief, and lots to think about too.

The title story is about a royal couple that visits the biggest showroom in their kingdom to buy a toy for their little princess.
In other stories you'll meet Lizzie - a lizard that wants to change her name to Lavender; Rose - a little tribal girl who feels sad that a leopard has been killed; Susan who doesn't know how to play; and animals aplenty in the story of a city that they took over for a day to show their human friends how to make it pollution-free!

Every age and time needs its own stories; and these are stories specially for OUR times. That is why the series is called 'Children's Stories for Our Times.'...

About the Author

Revathi is a novelist and a narrator of stories, short and long, for people of all ages. She is also an editor and independent researcher. Her novels, short stories, and translations of Sanskrit classics, which she has co-authored, are available at several online bookstores, including .

Revathi's musings, her books and her thoughts, are published on her website: . You may also like to visit her blog: -

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Book Details

Publisher: Sanghamitra
Number of Pages: 25
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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A Toy for the Little Princess and Other Stories

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