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An Introduction to Business Accounting & Finance (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹484
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Available Formats: PDF


This introduction to business accounting and finance book will motivate and immediately help students to grasp the essentials of both financial and cost & management accounting through a studied and practical approach. It is aimed at the higher education level and is used primarily for 1st year undergraduates and also facilitates their learning in their 2nd year modules.

The book provides a comprehensive and flexible approach to business and management accounting. It is an ideal book to introduce students studying accounting and business degree courses at university or college level and has been used for undergraduates at Bournemouth University and its partner, Bournemouth & Poole College. The book has also been the chosen text book for the Institute of Commercial Management and is a significant source of reference for the Association of Accounting Technician course for a number of years.

It uses a unique discussion of the principles of...

About the Author

R S D Giles, FCIEA, BA, DIP T, has many years of lecturing and accounting experience. He was Head of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) at Bournemouth & Poole College and also in partnership with Bournemouth University, an examiner and lecturer in financial and cost & management accounting. Richard has written several books on business accounting that have been published for a number of years. He was a business moderator for EDI (Education Development International), formerly the LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce & Industry) and has been a consultant for teaching accounting & finance in educational programmes in a number of other countries.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798325044977
Publisher: Amazon
Number of Pages: 257
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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An Introduction to Business Accounting & Finance

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