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Absolute Motion (eBook)

[On The Stupidity Of ModernScience]
Type: e-book
Genre: Entertainment
Language: English
Price: ₹399
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Modern science on the subject says that there is a power in the universe, this power lies within the matter that exists in its domain which is a physical or natural object. Now, it is this power that enables every physical to resist any change in its present state of existence (or state of motion to be precise) .They say that this power is “Inertia”, a sort of inertness and source of this power is within every physical existence but it appears that the source of this power of a physical existence is somewhere else in the universe.
But power of “The Matrix” is concentrated within a single object and the object is “Observer“ that is you, so
……………….. Whatever you observe in this nature, you observe it, because and only because you are allowed to observe it……………………………………….
[As if human senses like vision or touch, etc (Gifts of God to humankind?)...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781310913761
Publisher: self
Number of Pages: 229
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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