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The Right Way To Be Wrong
Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹199
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Available Formats: PDF

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In our hyper-sensational, information-addicted, power-hungry, attention-craving, instant gratification, ‘get rich or die trying’ and ‘failure is not an option’ world that values and chases only one thing – success; here's a must-read that tells you that it is not only ok to fail but absolutely necessary.

"I was the biggest failure I knew."
"I got used to failure. I just wasn't that good."
"I fail ninety-nine percent of the time."
"I don't think there is anything that I haven't failed at."
"There is no failure. Only celebration and learning."

These are a few quotes from some of the world's most significant failures.
These same people also happen to be some of the world's greatest successes.

The message is clear; failure is a part of the human experience. It plays a crucial role. It is the process that leads to discovery, development, and growth.

It is in your moments of failure that you truly...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 164
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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