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In God we Trust? Rest Strictly Cash! (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹50
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


This is the fifth book written by the the author based upon his understanding of the Message of Jiddu Krishnamurti.
The book explores what it means to Discovering Harmony In Daily Living That Encompasses
Logical Deduction, Rational Intellect And Beyond.

About the Author

Gopalan is a former teacher of The Valley School, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Bangalore.
Born in 1951, he is now 73 years old.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and is a Chartered Accountant. After 8 years in industry, ending as a Financial Controller, it was his fortune to come into contact, in 1980, with J.Krishnamurti and his teachings.
He joined The Valley School as a parent in 1982 and as a teacher in 1983.
He maintains the website: and can be contacted on

Book Details

Number of Pages: 130
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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