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The Money Gyaan (eBook)

A collection of essays to enhance your financial quotient
Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹100
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


There’s no denying the importance of knowledge in today’s information age. There’s no denying the importance of money in today’s consumption age.

The days of limited and assured-return investment options are history. The future belongs to the multitude but market-linked investment opportunities.

Consumption too has seen a phenomenal explosion. Not only do we see many new models within the existing product range, but also many innovative products.

Availability of finance also has not lagged behind. It has become both convenient and cost effective.

Therefore, knowledge has become critical to both successful wealth creation and its management. In addition to IQ and EQ, you need to work upon your FQ (Financial Quotient) too.

The essays in this book have been divided into five categories in a unique and interesting manner viz. Emotions, Elementary, Entertainment, Education and Enquiry.

Improve your Financial Quotient and become more adept and financially savvy.

About the Author

The author, Mr. Sanjay Matai, is a post-graduate in management from IIM, Calcutta with graduation in engineering from Delhi College of Engineering.

He has promoted The Wealth Architects that focuses on assisting individuals to plan their finances in line with their needs, aspirations and risk appetite. A fee-based advisor, his aim is to primarily support common, non-wealthy individuals, who may otherwise be finding it difficult to access inexpensive but genuine, unbiased and honest advice.

Besides, he has been involved in creating awareness about the prospects and pitfalls of investing through his articles on He has been on their expert panel since early 2005 and was one of the Expert Advisors to CNBC TV18's book 'Everything you wanted to know about investing'.

‘10/10 Now control your money…perfectly’ and ‘Plan for Prosperity – Road to Riches with Financial Wisdom’ have been his earlier works on personal finance.

His columns and...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 148
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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