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Two dogs and a suitcase (eBook)

Clueless in Charente
Type: e-book
Genre: Travel
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


The title says it all: what we have and where we are. This book, the sequel to Glass Half Full: Our Australian Adventure, follows our French exploits as we endeavour to rebuild our lives in another new country, after spending four and half years in Australia. Our goal, or hope for the immediate future, is to focus positively on the present, so that we can start a new, optimistic future back in Europe. Our main aim is to be nearer to the children, leaving the dark clouds of the challenges we faced in Australia as a distant memory. Journey with us as we arrive in rural South West France; enjoy my reflections, thoughts, and observations about my family, our new surroundings, and our lifestyle. Follow the journey of my writing career and how we start our renovation project while managing our convoluted family life. Once again, we will laugh,...

About the Author

Author Sarah Jane Butfield was born in Ipswich, and raised in rural Suffolk, UK. Sarah Jane is a wife, mother, ex-qualified nurse and now an Internationally published author. Married three times with four children, three stepchildren and two playful Australian Cattle dogs she an experienced modern day mum to her 'Brady bunch', but she loves every minute of their convoluted lives. Sarah Jane loves to connect with her readers so feel free to connect on Twitter @SarahJanewrites or Facebook at or

Sarah Jane, the roving Florence Nightingale, fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a nurse and went on to use her nursing and later teaching qualifications to take her around the world. She is now an International Best Selling author of three travel memoirs set in Australia and France and she has a further two non fiction books scheduled for release in November 2014.

Glass Half...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781499788624
Publisher: Rukia Publishing
Number of Pages: 272
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

Ratings & Reviews

Two dogs and a suitcase

Two dogs and a suitcase

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1 Customer Review

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Rukia 10 years ago

Re: Two dogs and a suitcase (e-book)

Sharing their family woes is very honest, but realistic, and relate-able. I would be interested to following their stories in future. A very enjoyable read indeed.

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