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Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader

Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader

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92 Customer Reviews

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Sandeepodhiar 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Excellent e-Book ...
I am working as a Assistant Manager in a IT company in Georgia and downloaded the e-Book last week, I suggest to buy the Book.

guruminakshi 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I am a Software Developer and recently joined a IT company in Hyderabad and downloaded the e-book, very nice book .This book can be used as a reference book by all IT employees.

satya.brahmachari 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Today with the flood of Engineering and MBA colleges getting an IT job or campus placements have become the craze and trend across each cities and countries across the world. The passed out Graduates and Post graduates are very eager and excited in their first year of joining the company which is short-lived for most of them.

Post completion of 1-2 years or 3-5 years and as they move towards 7-9 years or even 10-15 years, 95 percent of these Professionals feel the lack of direction and roadmap how to move forward. The question in most of the professionals mind is how to grow beyond these Technical & Coding roles to pure Consulting and Strategic roles. They start to question themselves are they going to do this kind of Technical work like coding or de-bugging and bug-fixing or support activities all their life till their age of retirement?

May be there is change of position from Software Engineer to Team Lead or even Project Management roles but still the whole work revolves around the same Technical role. A role to carry out the same mechanical and monotonous activities day in and day out.

tommyboy 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I purchased e-copy book on the wednesday. It is unbelevable someone can write non-sense and publish it for world. Author develop some brain as this is equal to robbery.

Call me at ..this is public site hence Mr.author call me,..I will explain ur crap...

I cant beleve 45 people 5 star for this book.. Non-sense..call mat at the +6 04 228 0054

tom selvaraj

reddymurali 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I recommend every IT professionals to buy the book. I am a Senior Manager in Brazil from last 4 year and want to move in to leadership role and that’s why I downloaded the book and this book is helping me.

Sonalisinha 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Money Worthy Book
I recommend to buy the book, I downloaded this book before 2 weeks .The chapters of the book is very understandable and helping me in my office also in terms of preparing proposals. I am a Business Analyst in Africa and want to go ahead in my career.

pmukharjee 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Good Book..
I am a Testing Lead in Germany and recently downloaded the book as I want to move in to more functional and leadership positions and the Book is helping me a lot. Thanks to the authors.

SmrutiKumari 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I am a Technical Manager in a IT company in Chandigarh and want to move in to consulting role ,I was searching some good book on this ,then one day I saw on Facebook and download the book.
I recommend to buy the book ,very very essential to having this book now a days.

Mangalsooth 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Nice Book, recently I downloaded the book ,I recommend to Buy the book and read once.This ia a very nice and helping book for the freshers,trainees and also for the experienced IT professionals.

PriyankaKulkarni 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Very learning and helpful e-Book….
This is a book which is a necessity for all IT professionals.
I am a Management Professional working in California from last 4 years and doing some monotonous activity,I downloaded the e-Book last week and I am astonished to see that, all the career opportunities of the It Industry ,u will find in this book with a detail description of one by one in each chapter and the way to achieve this also.
Just go and buy.

Rajdeep789 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I am a software engineer having 6+ years and experience in this ITindustry,now I am in Brazil and doing the same technical and coding work,but now want to move in to a business analyst role.
I have downloaded the e-Book and very very needy book for todays IT generation

LipikaBerma 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

I have downloaded the e-book last week .I am a software developer in France and doing the same coding and mechanical work from last 4 years and but I want to switch now.
Worthy Book….

ManasSahoo 11 years, 10 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Excellent e-Book….
This Book is must for today’s all the IT professionals.
I am a Senior Software Engineer in Africa from last 4 years and doing technical and monotonous activity , but now I want to move in to Consulting Role, then I saw this book and downloaded recently and read all most, helping me a lot.

GaganPanda 11 years, 11 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

Value For Money Book...
I am MBA fresher and searching for a job in Chennai ,first time I saw in Google about this book and I bought from Pothi channel .The way the authors wrote in the book is really commendable .I am also suggesting my friends to read once the book.

sameerpodhiar 11 years, 11 months ago

Re: Todays Engineer and MBA to Tomorrows Future Leader (e-book)

This book is a necessity for all students and software professionals across the world.
I strongly recommend this book.
Thanks to both the authors of the Book.