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Battle For Blossoming (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹49
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


'At the end of the journey/of my life/I will wait/for tears to spill/out of your eyes.'

This book is not about the happy endings of the flower that gives out fragrance to bless life. Nor would it make you feel cherished. It is a sadness, a soul that has died at people's hands, lovers, and friends. It talks in the language of flowers to remember the beauty of life, but it also reminisces how the bloomed blossom withers, hence the tussle between living and surviving.

It is a longing that doesn't end, neither with love nor by being alone. It is a longing that was gifted to wait until death comes snatching for it.

The tendency of a human to love, an emotion that outlives death, is somewhat a slow death; in minutes, it comes, and for years it lives by inhaling the life out of flowers and us...

About the Authors

Shai, a.k.a JS Shailesh, identifies as a queer nonbinary person. Their pronouns are he/she/they. They live with their loving and adorable mother. They have published two books, The Wisdom Of Wilting and Thanda Chaand. Their favorite pastime is writing and thinking about the possible stuff that can bring peace to their minds and lives.

They love cats, but more their cats, Shashikala and Shamala; the book you just read and completed is something they want to give their cats besides their caring love.

Shai is learning graphic designing and a foreign language to tick two things off their wishlist! They wish to write poems in the language they are learning.

You can reach Shai at, they love reading books, so you know what the second hunger pang they get besides foods!

Book Details

Publisher: Pothi
Number of Pages: 59
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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