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The Ultimate SBI PO Preliminary Exam Practice Set By WiFiVidyarthi (eBook)

SBI PO Crack
Type: e-book
Genre: Job & Career
Language: English
Price: ₹110
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Available Formats: PDF


10 Practice Sets for SBI Bank PO Preliminary Exam is written exclusively for the New pattern Prelim Exam being conducted by SBI for recruitment in PO in the SBI. The book provides 15 Practice Sets for the Preliminary Exam Each Test contains all the 3 sections - Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language - as per the latest pattern. The solution to each type of Test is provided at the end of the book. This book will really help the students in developing the required Speed and Strike Rate, which will increase their final score in the exam.

Table of Contents:

English Language
1. English Grammar and Vocabulary
2. Comprehension Test
3. Cloze Test
4. Mis - Spelt Words
5. Parajumbles
6. Idioms and Phrases
1. Analogy
2. Classification
3. Coding - Decoding
4. Series
5. Alphabet
6. Blood Relation
7. Direction Sense and Calendar Test
8. Ranking and Ordering Test
9. Analytical Puzzle
10. Syllogism
11. Mathematical Operation
12. Non - Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Numbers

Book Details

Number of Pages: 206
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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The Ultimate SBI PO Preliminary Exam Practice Set By WiFiVidyarthi

The Ultimate SBI PO Preliminary Exam Practice Set By WiFiVidyarthi

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