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Anant Ashirvad (eBook)

Eternal and Infinite Blessings
Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹300
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


The best way to be happy is to count your blessings. Count them: how much God has given you. Then you will be cheerful. Thank God. Start thinking what has happened to you. Start thinking about what you were and what you are. Just start. Know it for sure. The first thing one should do is to thank. All your gloom will vanish. This ebook combines the content of both paperback books, "Anant Ashirvad: Eternal Blessings" and "Anant Ashirvad: Infinite Blessings." (Published by Divine Cool Breeze Books.)

About the Author

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi quietly transformed lives. For more than forty years, she travelled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion or circumstance. She not only enabled people to pass this valuable experience on to others, but taught them the meditation technique necessary to sustain it, known as Sahaja Yoga.

Shri Mataji maintained that there is an innate spiritual potential within every human being, and it can be spontaneously awakened. She emphasized that this awakening, described as Self-realization, cannot be purchased. Sahaja Yoga meditation is free and open to all.

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Book Details

ISBN: 9781794799103
Publisher: Divine Cool Breeze Books
Number of Pages: 681
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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