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Optimization of Process Parameters for Autofrettage and Re-Autofrettage (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF


Autofrettage is the process used for thick cylinders, in which one can apply above elastic stress equivalent pressure to a hydraulic cylinder and then such cylinder will give reduced stress pattern as compared to earlier stress which was generated in same cylinders. Further to it in Re-Autofrettage heat soak treatment is proposed, where Heat treatment process is introduced in 1st Autofrettage and second 2nd Autofrettage to get uniform stress distribution as compared to earlier Autofrettage treatment. For both the processes i.e. Autofrettage and Re-Autofrettage controlling parameters like Hydraulic Pressure, Time, Heating time, Heat Treatment process etc. are crucial parameters which one can control for exact results.

About the Authors

Shrinivas Kiran Patil1*, Dr. Manojkumar Vithalrao Dalvi2
Researcher, Department of Mechanical Engineering1*
Research Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering2
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India
*Corresponding author, Email address:
ISBN: 9788197783326

Book Details

Publisher: Springer-GEH Press
Number of Pages: 11
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Optimization of Process Parameters for Autofrettage and Re-Autofrettage

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