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The Secret of Super Consciousness (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Philosophy
Language: English
Price: ₹250
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Available Formats: PDF


Each day during an 18-day silent meditation deeksha in 2016, Siddha Guru Ramanananda Maharshi, shared a profound message from the inner Silence which can enormously benefit every serious seeker. His messages are formed into book chapters that detail the practice of divine principles for becoming one with Parama Shiva. When you commit to practicing these divine principles in all aspects your daily life, it will accelerate your way. The immense flow of divine Spirit pouring thru Maharshi's teachings begins to free devotees, and will ultimately release them from the confines of restrictive rules based on thousands of years of ancient rituals and beliefs. This new freedom will open your heart to behold the formless and to experience the Oneness connecting all Life. The powerful message of divine love that pours through Maharshi's teachings will touch every aspect of your life with new and positive energies. Any sincere seeker who commits to adopting this new way of daily meditations in sacred silence will experience immediate benefits.

About the Author

Siddhaguru Sri Ramanananda Maharshi is a living Spiritual enlightened guru. He is a writer, orator, composer and founder of Ramaneswaram Temple. He is a self-realized yogi who speaks mostly on philosophy of God.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789357684187
Publisher: Self
Number of Pages: 45
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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