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Soham Samhita (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹49
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Soham Samhita is ideal for those readers whose minds have been aroused after reading Soham Gita and Soham Tattva. The goal of this book is to ensure the total proliferation of the scriptural knowledge of the enquirer, consequently leading to the acquisition of direct knowledge of the Self or self-realisation. In the concluding chapter, the author discusses in detail the mode of self-realisation, the obstacles on the path, and how to overcome the impediments. Soham Samhita is like a mirror in the hands of the emancipated in which he perceives his ‘Self’. For women and men plunged in the rough ocean of worldly life, hit by waves of expectations and disappointments, this book is their boat to sail on through their life’s journey. This is a guide for travellers who have lost their way in the maze of scriptural puzzles.
First published in Bengali in 1914, Paramhamsa Soham Swami wrote Soham Samhita in verses in his native tongue. The English prose translation of the book is now available for interested readers.

About the Author

Paramhangsa Soham Swami (1858-1918) was an Advaitin monk. Known as Shyamakanta Bandopadhyay in his pre-monastic life, he was famous across the Bengal Presidency in the last two decades of the 19th century for his unusual vocation – wrestling with tigers. His goal was to instil fearlessness in the minds of people of a subjugated nation and prepare them for the war of independence. At 41, abandoning wealth, family, and fame, he became an ascetic and realised the Truth of Self in Samadhi. To eradicate superstition and social, religious, and gender-based discriminations that were obstacles to the development of society, in the last ten years of his life, he wrote copiously on Advaitavād or the philosophy of non-dualism.

Book Details

Publisher: Sayambhati Publication
Number of Pages: 350
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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