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The Reality of Self
Type: e-book
Genre: Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹49
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


If enlightenment is your goal read Soham Tattva. Soham Tattva describes spiritual awakening through the journey of the seeker of transcendental knowledge. It is about self discovery and finding inner peace. The author of the book tries to share his experience and attempts to recount the state of super-consciousness that is almost impossible to narrate with the help of human language, human feelings, and human knowledge. After overcoming the numerous obstacles scattered across the path of Yoga, the Yogi can reach the supreme goal of Ātma Jnana. Soham Tattva provides a glimpse of the different stages the Yogi passes through in his transcendental journey. It tells how the Yogi should differentiate between the various phases of Yoga and reject the unreal states until he attains Samadhi. First published in 1910, Soham Swami composed this collection of articles in Bengali. The English translation of the articles is now available for the readers.

Soham Tattva clears several doubts and answers those questions that readers interested in understanding the crux of consciousness had inquired at various places but could not find satisfactory answers. From this book, you will know

Why the human language fails to explain the reality of consciousness
Why the knower of the supreme Truth cannot accurately describe the reality of Self with words
Risk of misinterpreting the words spoken by the Yogi
Fallacies of human religions
Facts about gurus
What is this universe as you see it?
How the mind works
Different stages of the mind
Different phases in Yogic meditation - differentiating between the unreal states and Samadhi or the super conscious state
How a person becomes a true seeker of knowledge
Who is an atheist (Nastika) and who is a theist (Astika)
Knowledge of Self or Reality of Brahma
The World of Brahma

About the Author

Paramhangsa Soham Swami (1858-1918) was an Advaitin monk. Known as Shyamakanta Bandopadhyay in his pre-monastic life, he was famous across the Bengal Presidency in the last two decades of the 19th century for his unusual vocation – wrestling with tigers. His goal was to instil fearlessness in the minds of people of a subjugated nation and prepare them for the war of independence. At 41, abandoning wealth, family, and fame, he became an ascetic and realised the Truth of Self in Samadhi. To eradicate superstition and social, religious, and gender-based discriminations that were obstacles to the development of society, in the last ten years of his life, he wrote copiously on Advaitavād or the philosophy of non-dualism.

Book Details

Publisher: Sayambhati Publication
Number of Pages: 79
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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