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Common Era Literature Book 1 (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English, Bengali
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF


The term The Common Era Literature is coined by the poet Sourav Sarkar on 24th of October 2021. Poet was doing a long term study upon ages of world poetry. Then observed a new genre of literature which is already present in the contemporary world but no one has given stress on it. While doing a research on writing poems, he invented that since the year 2001, the mentioning of the CE (COMMON ERA) was already in the history. He started gaining interest by putting it into a literary age that is called COMMON ERA LITERATURE.
Poems of this period: Common Era Poem, Common Era Poetry, Ordinary Poems, General poems.
Prose of this period was known as Common prose.
The story of this period was known as the Common story.
Drama of this period was known as Common drama or common plays.
Novels of this period were known as Common...

About the Author

The term The Common Era Literature is coined by the poet Sourav Sarkar on 24th of October 2021. Poet was doing a long term study upon ages of world poetry. Then observed a new genre of literature which is already present in the contemporary world but no one has given stress on it. While doing a research on writing poems, he invented that since the year 2001, the mentioning of the CE (COMMON ERA) was already in the history. He started gaining interest by putting it into a literary age that is called COMMON ERA LITERATURE.
Poems of this period: Common Era Poem, Common Era Poetry, Ordinary Poems, General poems.
Prose of this period was known as Common prose.
The story of this period was known as the Common story.
Drama of this period was known as Common drama or common plays.
Novels of this period were known as Common...

Book Details

Publisher: commonerapoets
Number of Pages: 27
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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