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Great Women of Assam and North East India (EBook) (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹10
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Available Formats: PDF


Assam and North East India as a whole have a trace of paleolithic cultures which existed 781,000 to 126,000 years ago. There are shreds of evidence of Assam's civilization in prehistoric era (1, 26,000 years ago). There are also pieces of evidence found in Mahabharata and Kalika Purana. There are glorious histories of various kingdoms/dynasties in the Ancient period (350 AD-1206 AD) and medieval period (1206 AD–1826 AD). Assam is known for Assam tea and Assam silk. The state was the first site for oil drilling in Asia. Assam is home to the one-horned Indian rhinoceros, along with the wild water buffalo, pygmy hog, tiger and various species of Asiatic birds, and provides one of the last wild habitats for the Asian elephant. The region is very much rich in bio-diversity and this region has produced a good number of notable personalities who contributed in various domain. They earned...

Book Details

Publisher: N. Press, Chennai
Number of Pages: 171
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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