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All about Benito Mussolini (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Politics & Society, Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹35
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All about Benito Mussolini

Students’ Academy

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini is universally recognized as one of the primary architects of Fascism, a political ideology that left a profound and lasting impact on the world stage. Born on July 29, 1883, in Predappio, a small town in the Province of Forlì-Cesena, Italy, Mussolini's life was marked by his rapid ascent to power and his relentless pursuit of a nationalist agenda. He emerged as a dominant political force in Italy, ultimately becoming the leader of the National Fascist Party and serving as the country’s 40th Prime Minister from 1922 until his downfall in 1943.

Mussolini’s rise to power was characterized by his unwavering determination and strategic maneuvering. By the time he became Prime Minister in 1922, Mussolini had already established himself as a formidable political leader. His leadership was marked by a strong authoritarian streak, and by 1925, he had consolidated power to the extent that he adopted the title "Il Duce," meaning "The Leader." His ambitions did not stop there. After 1936, Mussolini's official title expanded to "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire," reflecting his grandiose vision for Italy as a burgeoning empire.

Mussolini also achieved the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire, a title he shared with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy. This joint control over the Italian armed forces underscored his dominance in both political and military spheres. Mussolini maintained his grip on power for over two decades, ruling Italy with an iron fist until he was eventually replaced in 1943. Even after his ousting, Mussolini continued to lead the Italian Social Republic, a puppet state established in northern Italy under German control, until the final days of World War II.

The ideology of Fascism, which Mussolini helped to craft and popularize, was rooted in a blend of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, and a commitment to social progress. Fascism also relied heavily on state propaganda, which Mussolini masterfully wielded to solidify his control and to promote his vision of a unified, powerful Italy. In the early years of his rule, Mussolini’s ideas were admired by many, including future world leaders who would later draw inspiration from his methods..............................

All About Benito Mussolini
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Early Years
Chapter 3: Emigration to Switzerland
Chapter 4: Political Work
Chapter 5: Expulsion from Socialist Party
Chapter 6: World War I
Chapter 7: Italian Fascism
Chapter 8: March on Rome
Chapter 9: Squadristi
Chapter 10: Attempts on Life
Chapter 11: Police State
Chapter 12: Economy of Italy under Fascism
Chapter 13: Government
Chapter 14: Education and Youth Organizations
Chapter 15: Mussolini’s Foreign Policy
Chapter 16: Second Ital0 Abyssinian War
Chapter 17: Spanish Civil War
Chapter 18: Pact of Steel
Chapter 19 :Munich Conference
Chapter 20: World War II
Chapter 21: Mussolini’s Arrest
Chapter 22: Italian Social Republic
Chapter 23: Personal Life
Chapter 24: Mussolini and Religion
Chapter 25: Death

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 69
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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