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All You Want to Know About Fiction: An Illustrated Book (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹35
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Available Formats: PDF


All You Want to Know About Fiction: An Illustrated Book

Students’ Academy

Fiction possesses a unique and compelling ability to transport us into worlds that, while distant and unfamiliar, feel vividly real and deeply engaging. The artistry with which writers craft these narratives allows readers to become fully immersed in the unfolding events, forging a connection between the fictional and the tangible. Fiction, as the most widely consumed form of literature, offers an escape from the mundane realities of everyday life, inviting us to explore realms of imagination where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary.

This book seeks to unravel the intricacies that contribute to the creation of captivating fiction. It delves into the essential elements that make a narrative not only compelling but also enduring. Through a detailed examination, you will discover how authors shape their fictional worlds, develop complex characters, and construct plots that resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

Moreover, this book explores the techniques writers use to sustain a reader’s interest, ensuring that every twist and turn keeps the audience eagerly engaged. From the subtle nuances of dialogue to the broader themes that anchor the narrative, you will gain insight into the craft of storytelling. Understanding these elements will enhance your appreciation of fiction, allowing you to see beyond the surface of the story and into the careful deliberation that lies beneath.

Whether you are an aspiring writer looking to refine your craft or a reader seeking to deepen your understanding of the stories you love, this book will guide you through the foundations of good fiction. It will reveal how authors balance imagination with reality, weaving together narratives that not only entertain but also challenge and inspire. Through this exploration, you will come to see fiction not just as an escape, but as a powerful tool for reflection and discovery, offering new perspectives on the world and ourselves.

All You Want to Know About Fiction: An Illustrated Book
Table of Contents
Fiction Types
Realistic Fiction
Non-Realistic Fiction
Non Fiction
Elements of Fiction
Aristotle’s Views
Freytag on Plot
Rising Action
Falling Action
Other Views
Plot Outline
Exposition in Fiction
Information Dump
Prophecy and Omens
Other Examples
Dramatic Structure
Denouement, Resolution, or Catastrophe
Types of Plots
Types of Prose Fiction
Short story
Novella versus Novel
Writing Literary Theory
Uses of Fiction

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 168
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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All You Want to Know About Fiction: An Illustrated Book

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