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The Seasons of Life

The Seasons of Life

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2 Customer Reviews

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anithaalex 11 years, 3 months ago

Re: The Seasons of Life (e-book)

The writing is not disconnected. That's the first thought which came to me, when I was reading the book. Most often, these days when I go through any blog or short stories, you get a feeling that the writing is made complicated intentionally. The stories are simple which maybe anyone can relate to. That's the best part.

dlina 11 years, 5 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: The Seasons of Life (e-book)

Well. Just finished reading the book. And got so much into the depth of Emotions. These Emotions, which we all go through in our daily lives, yet some, which we tend to ignore for others sake. So many things, as a reader I got to learn. A small thing/act by us, can really bring a difference / happiness in others lives. All the characters, and detailing is really good. Simple language made me relate more easily to the characters and understand the emotions displayed. I would definitely wait for the next publishing by the author. I am touched and loved reading each of the stories. Thanks !!!