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Divided Unity: A Closer Look at India's Complexities and Contradictions (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Social Science, Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹84
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


The Historical Roots of India's Divisions
The Caste System: Enforcing Social Hierarchy
Religious Diversity and Tensions
The North-South Divide: Regional Identities
The Rich-Poor Divide: Economic Inequality
Linguistic Diversity: The Many Languages of India
The Gender Divide: Women's Rights and Representation
The Rural-Urban Divide: Changing Landscapes
Political Fragmentation: The Challenge of Governance
Environmental Challenges and Sustainability
Education and the Challenge of Empowerment
Diaspora Communities and the Indian Identity
Culture and Creativity: The Arts in India
Technology and Modernization: Opportunities and Challenges
India's Global Ambitions: The Future of a Rising Power
Corruption and Government Face Savings
Religion a Means to Win Power
Home and Away
Mythology and Science
Real Feelings of Minority Communities
India and the Rest of the World
Growing Fundamentalism
India's Future

Chapter 1


India is a country of many paradoxes, where unity and diversity exist side by side, and where the past and present often collide. It is a land of ancient traditions and modern aspirations, of poverty and wealth, of religious tolerance and sectarian violence. In "Divided Unity:...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 40
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Divided Unity: A Closer Look at India's Complexities and Contradictions

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