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How I Met God (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹75
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Available Formats: PDF


There are so many small incidents in our lives, but that we forget all of them due of to the busy schedules of our life. Yet, Some some incidents make leave a trail in our mind. These incidents are so remarkable that we are bound to believe that it is not possible, just by human action. We have to believe that some outer energy, what we may term as God is pouring HIS blessings like flowers from the sky. We have to believe that HE sits near us, reads our articles, poems and guides us to do the best things in our lives. HE not only sits with the believer but also roams with the people who need HIM all the time.
I went to Norway for my son's Ph.D. defense. We visited Gaustatoppen, Fredrikstad and many places in Norway. Looking at the natural beauty of the world, it came...

About the Author

Dr. Jashodhara Purkayastha (Pen name --Yashodhara) is an educator and a counsellor. Her first novel “Where Love Begins Vibhavari” was published from Balboa press and respectively, acclaimed a name worldwide. Her psychological book “You Can Know Your Psyche" is quite popular with students of psychology. “How I Met God” is a memoir of the author. “Shaswat”, a book on 105 poems and her English Grammar book “EASE" for 10th class are available in the market. Her website has many articles on psychology which will be helpful for teachers and students. Author can be available on and +91 9223303196

Book Details

Publisher: NM Thakkar
Number of Pages: 56
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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How I Met God

How I Met God

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