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Not Positive Not Passive Just Parenting

Not Positive Not Passive Just Parenting

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2 Customer Reviews

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Jashodharap 1 year, 7 months ago

The best

There are many tips in the book which can be followed by parents.

sucharita_parija 1 year, 7 months ago

Good Parenting Book

The fiery cover and beautiful title are the main attractions to turn the pages of the book "Not Positive, Not Passive: Just Parenting."
Unconditional love and kind words make way for happy kids, the country's future leaders. The manner in which the author has explained the multiple reasonings for a child's development is engaging. In addition, the author has given examples from her surroundings and quotes from famous personalities to make the book more vibrant.
The parents begin their parenthood voyage with their children from their birth. Parenting is an endless journey through various ups and downs in life. Even if there are no hard and fast rules for parenting, the pointers the author has provided through her lifelong experiences are meaningful. Learning about parenting through the author, who understands the subject better as she has dealt with various children and their parents throughout her career- it's a refreshing change for all new or old parents in society.